Firewood, Woodland, Working the land

The Firewood poem

I thought I would share a poem I found about firewood today! Given that we like lighting fires for cooking, sharing, making drinks etc in our forest school sessions!

We are also completely wood fired at the smallholding here, a log fuelled Esse for cooking, heating and hot water when the solar thermal panels are out of season, and a small log burner in the lounge!! So useful thoughts for what burns well in those too, especially as we seem to have ash die back in the woods so need to carefully monitor and fell!

Also it’s now the first of September and officially the start of the part of the year where we can trim hedges, gather firewood for next year and do a bit more work around the place without disturbing wildlife with their young.

Food and drink, Fruit and vegetables, Garden, Life with a toddler, Livestock, News, Plans, Podcast, Wanderings, Wildlife, Woodland, Working the land

A few little videos

I’ve added a few new videos to the YouTube Channel!!!

Some tours of the animals and I’m planning a weekly ish….. vlog about the happenings on the smallholding!!

Here is Episode one!!

Craftiness, Firewood, Forest schools, Life with a toddler, Woodland, Working the land

What a week!!

Well this week has been a whirlwind after our usual more sedate pace round here!!

Monday we were at the hospital for another growth scan and clinic….

Not a great photo but he is a larger baby than his brother and running out of space!!! (7 weeks till due date!)

Tuesday we caught up on some jobs here…. James collecting wood, helping a neighbour who is unwell, me sorting house cleaning/laundry etc!!

Wednesday James had some more wood collecting time and I had to race through a metric crap tonne of paperwork ready for a meeting with the FUW to help me fill in claims forms and field maintenance sheets…. AND for ANOTHER farm inspection…. We have had our SAF and maintenance payments for Glastir held up by the Welsh Government, both because we have been included in their audit…. where the inspectors get inspected!!! Yes total bad luck on our first year!!!!! Joy and because they had questions about some satellite imagery which again is a new thing this year…. well done us getting the double whammy!!!

So Thursday I trooped off to Carmarthen with folders worth of paperwork and completed a capital works claim, a field maintenance new online thing to alter my field boundaries now we have added the new hedgerows!! Plus take advice on becoming VAT registered etc etc!!

Raced home to grab some lunch…. then back out to the midwife!! (Now at the we want to see you every other week stage!) who bless her was running a smidge Kate and then I hotfooted it back to holding for the inspectors!!!

Well thankfully they were late and wanted to look at activity diaries first!! So I had time to get togged up for the field portion of their trip!! Thankfully everything was all good and to quote one of them “if only all inspections were this simple and straightforward!” Phew!!!

William and I then had Forest School on Friday which we both love!!

Then after lunch we collected my car from the garage all mot’d and driving like a dream again!!!

So we have had a week of interrupted naps….. short naps….. naps in the car…… and only one nap in his big boy bed!!

So no real crafty time *sob*

Managed a bit of spinning and a bit of sewing earlier in the week…

But it’s been scarily productive paperwork wise and farm wise…..

Now to spend today and tomorrow catching up with all the other jobs we need to get sorted!!!

Craftiness, Tyddyn Bryn on Etsy

Lots of new additions to the shop!!!!

I’ve been a busy bee out in the workshop and generally here at the small holding and have produced a few new bits and bobs for my Etsy shop

What do you all think?!

Pop over to the shop to have a looks at these and all the other bits and bobs I have in there!!!

More will be added each day for the foreseeable!! So keep checking in and maybe you might find that elusive last few little Christmas presents?!!!!

Tyddyn Bryn on Etsy!!!

Also have you seen the most recent podcast?! Over on the Tyddyn Bryn YouTube channel for anyone who wants to watch a bit about my crafting and some general farm happenings!!

Woodland, Working the land

September in the woods!

James and I took another walk through the woods to see what we could do over the winter…. The dog came off the worst full of seeds and sticky buds!!


Building work, Forest schools, Plans, Woodland

Belated post of Easter shenanigans 

A week sure went fast over Easter!!!   



Work in the woods!! In what will be the forest school area!!!


Starting hazel hurdle fences….


Rendering the end of the house….


Concreting a hole in barn three’s floor….


Burning wood to make charcoal…


Willows arrived and planted….


Rendering drying…. Oh yes and slate look cement sills!!!!


Daffs in bloom…


The ever expanding wood pile….

  Lots of insulation…..


  A pile of old gator tyres!!!! The gator has new ones and will now go all sorts of new places!!!!

  Mulched fruit trees….

  Willow in the slurry pit…. Down the run off stream and down the pipe stream bank….

  Willows and hazel babies planted out to set some roots while we decide where to plant the extras!!!!!



  A filled hole…..


 Tiles delivered!!!!


Forest schools

Ahhh nearly a month ago!!!

ok it’s been nearly a month since my last blog post here!!! Time certainly flies when you are having fun hopefully some of the next few blog posts will explain the busy and the lack of blog posts on a regular basis!!!


After the last posting about the West Country game fair I had my second set of days at Forest School training!!! Outside in the cold BUT STILL TOTALLY AMAZING!!!!

There was sawing…..


Knot tying!!!


Shelter building and all sorts!!! 


Another fab two days in the woods!!!