Garden, Sustainability, Wildlife, wool, Working the land

The Slugs are Coming!!!

But please don’t get out the slug pellets!! As they have such a detrimental effect on our wildlife, for example poisoning our now at risk hedgehogs!!

Using wool in the garden can be an effective way to deter slugs.

Here’s how you can utilise it:

  1. Wool Mulch: Spread wool mulch around the base of plants. Slugs dislike the texture and find it difficult to cross the wool, which can help protect your plants from these pests.
  2. Wool Pellets: There are commercially available wool pellets that can be scattered around plants. When wet, they expand and create a rough, fibrous barrier that slugs avoid.
  3. Wool Mats or Pads: Place wool mats or pads around the garden beds. These act as physical barriers that are challenging for slugs to navigate.
  4. Loose Wool: Simply scatter loose wool around the plants you want to protect. This can be from wool scraps, old wool sweaters (cut into strips), or raw wool.

Besides deterring slugs, wool has the added benefits of retaining moisture, providing nutrients as it decomposes, and acting as a weed suppressant. It’s an eco-friendly and sustainable option for garden maintenance.

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